The pedigree
由 Ali Pourahmadian及Artin SalahvarziA boy has lost his father. After burying him, he meets a stranger who gives him a seed to plant. The stranger and the boy are actually the same person, and the cemetery becomes a beautiful forest. He brings his father back to life in the form of a tree.
导演 : Ali Pourahmadian
编剧 : Ali Pourahmadian
助理导演 : Niusha Nasimpour
联合导演 : Artin Salahvarzi
演员 : Mazir Saki
演员 : Abtin Rastegar
演员 : Reza Ghlamabasi
演员 : Mania Rastegar
演员 : Amin Rastegar
演员 : Ahmad Roshani
演员 : Soroush Hemat